There are two aspects to navigating Your Climate Change MBA.
First are the inter-locking Climate Sites that make up Your Climate Change MBA
Second are the linkages between Your Climate Change MBA and the full Climate Web.
Navigating the Climate Sites
Navigating the inter-locking chapter and sub-chapter Climate Sites of Your Climate Change MBA is very simple. The Table of Contents to the entire Your Climate Change MBA is always available at the right of your screen, allowing you to move between chapters. You can always tell you’re starting a new chapter or sub-chapter by the “Climate Knowledge” image (similar to the one at the top of this page). When you start a new chapter or sub-chapter you’ll see its “pages” organized to the right of your screen. You can also open chapters and sub-chapters in new browser tabs by right-clicking on the links.
Navigating Climate Web Resources
In addition to all of the content organized in Your Climate Change MBA, there are hundreds of links into the Climate Web itself, allowing you to access more in-depth topical information and resources. For a quick introduction to navigating Climate Web resources, take a look at this page of the Climate Web itself.
One slide from that page is reproduced here since it will help you understand some of the links you’ll see in Your Climate Change MBA. For example, you might see references to Index Entries, or Sources Headings. As you can see below, Index Entries will always be preceded by an “I:”, and Sources Headings by an “S -”. The colors you see below don’t show up here in Your Climate Change MBA, but they do show up when you’re in the Climate Web itself.
Note that if you have purchased Premium Access to the Climate Web, and downloaded it to your own computer, your user experience will be far superior to accessing it over the internet. We’ll provide you with a customized version of Your Climate Change MBA where all of the links into the Climate Web will activate the links in your downloaded copy of the Climate Web, rather than opening up in the cloud-based version of the Climate Web.