Table of Contents


The bullets below sketch out how Your Climate Change MBA is organized, introducing you to some of the key topics covered by each “chapter.” Through the tabbed pages at right you can explore the chapters in more detail.

  • Trillion Dollar Questions explores key questions relating to future climate change outcomes. The questions don’t have clear answers, but thinking about them is useful to get your head around many key climate change topics.

  • 50 Years of Climate Concern explores what's happened since scientists first raised the alarm over climate change more than 50 years ago, both from the standpoint of societal and business decision-making.

  • The Fingerprint of Climate Change explores the numerous ways in which climate change is already physically manifesting. Seeing the scope of that fingerprint is useful for grasping the scope of the potential business implications of climate change, particularly when it comes to 2nd and 3rd order impacts.

  • Known Knowns, Known Unknowns, Unknown Unknowns explores important uncertainties relating to climate outcomes, many of which are not reflected in most climate forecasts and scenarios. IPCC reports, for example, largely ignore the implications of several potential climate change tipping points since scientists don’t know whether and when they’ll be triggered. But they are very relevant to assessing business risks.

  • How Much Climate Change? explores the reality that the 2o C climate scenario that dominates today's business and climate change conversations is not necessarily the most likely climate outcome, nor the most potentially disruptive from a business perspective.

  • The Economics explores a series of relevant topics, from the role of economic analysis in tackling climate change, to cost-benefit analysis, global marginal abatement cost curves, carbon pricing and the social cost of carbon.

  • Climate Solutions explores the MANY “silver bullet” and “silver buckshot” conversations that are currently underway with respect to tackling climate change. As with all the chapters, you’ll also be able to access extensive curated Climate Web resources to dig deeper into many of the proposed solutions.

  • Policies and Measures explores the range of public policies that companies may encounter as part of efforts to mitigate climate change.

  • A Low Carbon Transition explores key issues surrounding the rate of progress towards a low carbon transition (LCT). While the pace and form of an LCT has numerous business implications, whether it will occur in time to avoid dangerous climate change is far from clear.

  • Business Impacts and Materiality explores business climate risk as a general topic, climate uncertainty as a source of business risk. The chapter then dives into the range of business risks and opportunities associated with current and future climate change, the growing prospect of material climate change policies and measures, and evolving investor expectations.

  • Business Responses applies an evidence-based lens to the many business response conversations currently underway, including net zero and negative emissions targets, the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosure, and climate change scenario planning.

  • Topics to Track Today zeroes in on the topics that you as a business decision-maker may want to pay particular attention to in the near- to medium-terms for purposes of informed and robust business decision-making on climate change. The list evolves to tracking changing conversations.

  • Sectoral Perspectives helps you utilize the Climate Web from the standpoint of a particular business sector.

  • Decision-Support Tools explores the implications of rapidly changing business climate risks for business risk management strategies, and introduces the numerous tools being developed that you can take advantage of to influence internal thinking regarding climate change materiality, risks and risk management.

  • Additional MBA Resources organizes extensive supplemental materials to support business climate change decision-making.

Note that you may encounter the same topic or sub-topic in more than one place in Your Climate Change MBA. Certain aspects of carbon pricing, for example, are directly relevant to climate economics, policies and measures, and topics to keep track of, and will show up as content in multiple places.